Crunch time

This is basically the final day in which i can do all my work for the submission on Friday.
I have finished the majority of my character and most of the APD documentation. I have just got the do the personal reflection document and put together my portfolio when I get home from college.

Il do as much of the APD work today as possible in college and finish the rest at home. Quickly finish my Character at home then i should be ready for the submission tomorrow.

Il post the character when its finished on here.

Final presentation

We Presented the final presentation today. It went okay but was still not as good as it could of been. Me and Rich ended up presenting the majority of the presentation because Tom didnt really know much about our game overall.
This week is going to be fairly busy because i have to make sure all my APD is done, Finish my Charcter and Do an interview on Firday (Final submission day)

I belive i will be able to finish it all in time.

Creating another Character

I started a new Character for my Character design module. I designed this one without doing a preliminary sketch. I just found a pose on the internet and then built my character around it using my graphics tablet.
I found that the techniques learned off deans tutorials are a lot faster than my old method and create a cleaner result without having to spend hours tidying it up.

Design doc done and mock Presentation

The Design Doc is finished and been submitted. The presentation first draft has been finished and we did a mock presentation of it.

The presentation seemed to go okay but some of the slides were text heavy and some images were missing.
We were given feedback on the mock presentation so that we can change the presentation before the final.

On the day we submitted the presentation we created a quick front cover for the case of the submission and it turned out quite well. Its shown below:

Presentation and Design Doc

This week i started to create the presentation and finish the design document.
The design document is almost done. Just some setions need expanding and elaborating on it. 
The presentation has been started and a few slides are done. Iv been concentrating on the design doc more though.

This is an updated version of my soilder character. Im fairly happy with it and im gunna stop working on this  peice now.

this is the final peice:

im gunna progress through to do the presentation and the document.
iv planned out the persific slides we need and deligated slides to the other members of the team and am now working therough the slides i have to do.

i am also in the middle of another concept peice. This is for the main character, i have been working on this on and off for a number of weeks. It has not progressed as quickly as the other peice because i ahve had the change it alot.
It still needs alot of work, and the shadow is not right.

anyway here is a "inprogress" concept of the man character: